Times have changed, today’s technology develop rapidly, so it’s time for the revolution of software testing , “This is the way of reformer!” This article gives a good interpretation of why software testing needs change and how to change. Author believes that all software testing need is thoughts and ideas. Without idea testers may not go too far in this road. Continue reading
Yahoo’ acquisition for mobile analytic and advertising platform Flurry
According to the news from U.S. technology website Re / code, Yahoo had a plan to acquire the famous mobile analytic and advertising platform Flurry, the transaction price was about “hundreds of millions of dollars.” Subsequently, Yahoo and Flurry posted blog on their own websites to confirmed the deal. Continue reading
Apple is about to build the third Solar Farm
Apple is planning to build a third solar farm near North Carolina, data center, in the vicinity of its Maiden.
The Hickory Record reported on Monday that, local officials approved a plan to annex land for the future solar farm to the City of Claremont which is nearly 20 miles north of Maiden. Continue reading
Reading with fingertips: MIT is developing special equipment FingerReader for the blind
Scientists of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are developing an audio reading device, so that visually impaired people can access the text directly. And this equipment called FingerReader is prototypes created by 3D printers, like a ring with a small camera which designed for scanning text, and can be worn on the finger of the user. With FingerReader, when you leave your home or office, it is able to reads the text out loud for you, as well as quickly translates books, restaurant menus, or other information needed in daily life. Continue reading
Senators question need to rain in NSA surveillance
Several U.S senators said on Thursday that the American Congress would endanger the security of nation through passing even watered-down legislation to restrain the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records in the country.
How to Remove Savings Bull
April 25th, 2014 by How to Uninstall Program Experts Savings Bull Review Savings Bull is an adware powered by Adpeak Company which is also considered as potential unwanted program. Savings
Bull enters into computer as a browser extension which … Read
more on How to Remove Savings Bull, Adware Removal Instruction.
Adware Removal Instruction.
April 25th, 2014 by How to Uninstall Program Experts Savings Bull Review Savings Bull is an adware powered by Adpeak Company which is also considered as potential unwanted program. Savings
Bull enters into computer as a browser extension which … Read
more on How to Remove Savings Bull, Adware Removal Instruction.
How to Remove Savings Bull, Adware Removal Instruction
April 25th, 2014 by How to Uninstall Program Experts Savings Bull Review Savings Bull is an adware powered by Adpeak Company which is also considered as potential unwanted program. Savings
Bull enters into computer as a browser extension which … Read
more on How to Remove Savings Bull, Adware Removal Instruction.
April 25th, 2014 by How to Uninstall
April 25th, 2014 by How to Uninstall Program Experts Savings
Bull Review Savings Bull is an adware powered by Adpeak Company
which is also considered as potential unwanted program. Savings
Bull enters into computer as a browser extension which … Read
more on How to Remove Savings Bull, Adware Removal Instruction.